Bazara thute tan free clinic

AZL: Vaivakawn Chawhmeh Bazaar-a thute tan nimin khan a thlawna inentirna, free clinic neih a ni.

He hunah hian Health education, thin thau bawh (Fatty liver), zunthlum, Bp sang laka inven dan te uar taka sawi a nih bakah, ni nga chhunga vaihlo nghei dan te, tha-na, nghawng na leh kawng na nei tan, kawng tihchak dante inzirtirna neih a ni.

Rotary Club of Aizawl-in a thlawn a zunthum, blood sugar enna an rawn sponsor a. Medicine Specialist leh Lifestyle Coach ten theih tawpin rawng an bawl bawk.

He hun hi chawhmeh zuarten an hlut hle.

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