Dan kalha petrol; zuar mi 6 man

Mizoram police leh Legal metrology-in Siaha khawpui chhunga dan kalha petrol leh diesel zawrhte dapin, dan kalha petrol zuar mi 6 te chu dan tlawhchhanin an man.

Police leh Legal metrology-in dan kalha petrol zuar an man te chungchang chu danin a phut anga ngaihtuah a nih tur thu sorkar thuchhuahin a tarlang a. Police leh Legal metrology te hian Siaha khawpuia Iron rod zawrh te pawh endikin, dawr tinah electronic weighing scale an kawl vek leh an hmang vek niin a tarlang.

Iron rod len zawng pawh Digital slide callipers hmanga endikin, a tling tha hlawm viau niin sorkar thuchhuah chuan a tarlang bawk.

Serchhip bawrhsap Nazuk Kumar pawhin kar kalta Zirtawpni khan thla hnih awh tur thupek chhuahin “Mi tumahin Serchhip district huamchhungah phalna nei lovin gas/ petrol/diesel an zuar tur a ni lo” a ti a. Thupek zawmlote chu dan hmanga hrem theih an nih thu a tarlang.

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